SMOKING POT – Softdrugs “Wiet & Hashies worden verboden tijdens zeilwedstrijden in 2004. Dit is nieuw want voordien mochten we nog stoned wedstrijdzeilen. Welk effect gaat dit geven in landen waar het groene blaadje niet verboden is? Of vind je dat iedere vorm van Drugs verboden moet zijn? Neem stelling bij de reacties hier rechtsonderdaan.
De officiële ISAF verklaring:
Cannabinoids (e.g. hashish and marijuana) are to become prohibited (in sailing). In previous years, (2003 inclusive), Cannabinoids have not been proscribed by ISAF, and have only been banned for the Olympic Regatta.
Following the release of the World Anti-Doping Code – 2004 Prohibited List of Substances and Methods, due to become effective from January 1st 2004, we must announce that there is to be a significant change from the current list regarding the status of Cannabinoids in the sport of sailing.
All sailors must be aware that this substance will now be tested for and that they also may face the possibility of being tested un announced.
Cannabinoids are however, classed as a “specified substance”, which means that it is considered to be less likely to be successfully abused as a doping agent. This means that where an Athlete can establish that the use of such a “specified substance” was not intended to enhance sport performance, the period of ineligibility (or sanctioning) will be reduced to the following:
- First Violation: At a minimum, a warning and reprimand and no period
of ineligibility from future events, and at a maximum, one (1) year’s
ineligibility. - Second Violation: Two (2) years’ ineligibility
- Third Violation: Lifetime ineligibility.
Meer informatie – ISAF website: